| The Message

Providing nursing staff with the skills and knowledge of nursing to provide integrated nursing services for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation that are commensurate with the increasing need of the community for medical care.

| Vision

The faculty and deanship work to provide all elements of progress in the field of nursing education to keep pace with scientific and technical progress in nursing in addition to encouraging students to reach an advanced level in order to assume their responsibilities in scientific research and study in various nursing disciplines.

| Objectives

providing nursing staff capable of providing integrated services of preventive, curative and rehabilitation care to cover all medical needs.
Using advanced scientific techniques and obtaining integrated human sciences in the field of nursing proficiency in health and illness.
Teaching students to work in a team spirit to accomplish an integrated medical work.
Guiding students to conduct applied scientific researchs related to the provision of nursing care.
Urging students to do clinical medical research related to nursing care.
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