| Cumulative Statistics
First: Teaching Statistics | |
40 | Number of teachers |
5 | professor |
9 | Assistant Professor |
17 | Teacher |
9 | Assistant Teacher |
19 | Teaching Assistants |
Second: Staff Statistics | |
67 | Number of staff |
39 | Administrative |
28 | Technical |
Third: Contract Statistics | |
3 | number of contracts |
3 | Technical |
Fourth: Students' statistics | |
247 | Morning |
33 | Male |
214 | Females |
724 | Evening |
239 | Male |
485 | Females |
Fifth: Branch Statistics | |
4 | Number of branches |
Sixth: Laboratory Statistics | |
6 | number of laboratories |
Seventh: Classroom Statistics | |
6 | Number of classrooms |
Eighth: Room Statistics | |
30 | Number of rooms |