| MR. Dean's Functions and Authorities

| First: scientific authorities

• Formulate the college’s policy in line with the general policy of the university and achieve its mission.
• Preparation of admission plans for preliminary studies in the faculty’s departments.
• Preparation of the scientific research, authorship and translation plan for the faculty’s branches.
• Recommendation to open postgraduate studies in the college.
• Consider the plans of the scientific branches on inviting visiting professors, conferences, scientific symposiums, deposits, scientific full-time, secondments and vacations inside and outside the country and recommend them to the rector for approval.
• Review the curricula of primary studies periodically and distribute them to the school levels.
• Confirmation of the results of the exams after their presentation by the scientific branches of the college.
• Approve the final exam schedules after they are lifted from the scientific branches.
• Confirmation of the scientific promotion of the faculty member (teacher and assistant professor) and submission to the university for issuance of the order
• Recommend to the rector that the faculty member be promoted to professorship after completion of its procedures by the faculty’s scientific promotion committee.
• Approve the postponement of the school year for students after the availability of convincing justifications and required documents.
• Recommend assigning teaching staff and lecturers to postgraduate studies as needed and for the duration specified by the branches.
• Conclude scientific and cultural conventions with corresponding colleges within and outside the country and submit them to the university for ratification.

| Second: Administrative authorities :

• supervising the college’s affairs and monitoring its scientific, cultural, artistic and sporting activities.
• preparation of the college’s staff for the next academic year in the second half of the current academic year in the light of the proposal of the dean and the branch councils.
• review the addresses of professionals and administrators within the certified owners of the college.
• review the college’s staffing periodically.
• the establishment of committees to assist him in the performance of his scientific, administrative and educational tasks.
• disciplinary sanctions are imposed on students.
• recommend that the teachers’ service (professor, assistant professor) be set at the age of one year and renewed for three times.

| Third: Financial authorities :

• Propose the annual budget plan, import plan and investment plan for the college and submit it to the rector for consolidation with the plans of other colleges and institutes and submit it to the university council for approval.
• Recommend that the University approve the College’s final accounts.
• Review and discuss the report of the College’s Financial Supervisory Office and express an opinion on the observations received.
• Delegate the Dean of the Faculty certain powers.
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