Maternity and neonate Branch

| Branch goals

Preparing qualified nursing cadres highly qualified to provide preventive, treatment and rehabilitation nursing services for the individual, family and society through:
Understanding theories, principles and nursing sciences and applying them to work.
Follow the scientific steps in providing nursing care.
Providing nursing care in the therapeutic, clinical, preventive and rehabilitative field for all individuals in their different environments and ages.
Work in cooperation with the health team in various health institutions.
The objective link between the nursing sciences and the country's problems.
The mastery and understanding of the basics of supervision and management of nursing and health services

الحمد لله الذي رفع السموات بدون أعمدة تراها ، الذي أعطانا كل بركاته ، وعلم الإنسان ما لم يعرفه. والصلاة والسلام على أنبل وأكرم وأفضل وأعظم رجل خلقه محمد والة الطيبين الطاهرين.

تلتزم كلية التمريض قسم تمريض صحة المجتمع بتنمية الكوادر التمريضية بالمهارات المهنية والعلمية لخدمة المجتمع وتطوير حماية صحة المجتمع من خلال توفير بيئة تعليمية حديثة تواكب العصر. آخر المستجدات العلمية في العالم ، واستخدام أفضل طرق التدريس.

في الختام ، سنسعى جاهدين لضمان أن تظل كلياتنا ، وخاصة فروعنا الجامعية ، منارة مشرقة بين كليات التمريض في جميع جامعاتنا العراقية العزيزة.

Maternity and neonate Branch

Assistant Professor Dr. Alaa Muhaibs Toama

Teaching Staff

Weekly lectures schedule for the academic year 2023/ 2024
A workshop entitled Nursing diagnosis and application of the nursing process ▪
On the occasion of World Food Day, College of Nursing -Thi Qar University holds a workshop at Hai ALmuaalmeen Center ▪
A workshop entitled (Writing scientific research for fourth-year students) ▪
Promoting mental health and its role in empowering women ▪
The role of women in developing and building society ▪
A workshop entitled How to manage and organize time ▪
: For inquiries, contact us on the following ⌂
07807638466 ✅
your Inquiries will be answered within the official working times⌂
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