Curriculum Vitae
name : Dr. Qasim Ali Khazaal Al-Omari
Date of birth : 13/5/1985
Marital status : Married
Religion : Muslim
Specialty : Medical- Surgical Nursing
Occupation : Faculty Member
Degree : Assistant professor Dr
Job title: Dean's Assistant for Administrative and Financial Affairs
Place of work: Faculty of Nursing / Thi-Qar University
Mobile phone : 07827783058
Academic Qualifications
Date University Speciality Scientific Title
2008 University of Baghdad Nursing Sciences Bachelor's degree
2013 University of Baghdad Nursing Sciences Master
2015 University of Baghdad Nursing Sciences Phd
Career Progression
Time From -To Place Position/scientfic Title N
2014-2018 College of Nursing/Thi-Qar University Assistant Teacher 1
2014-2016 College of Nursing/Thi-Qar University Rapporteur of Adult Health Nursing Branch 2
2016-2016 College of Nursing/Thi-Qar University Head of Adult Health Nursing Branch 3
2016-2018 College of Nursing/Thi-Qar University Postgraduate Studies Student 4
2018-2020 College of Nursing/Thi-Qar University Director of Continuous Education Unit 5
..-2020 College of Nursing/Thi-Qar University Dean's Assistant For Administrative Affairs 6
Academic Teaching
Time From -To University Place N
2009-2016 Southern Technical University Medical Technical Institute / Nasiriyah 1
2016-2017 College of Nursing Baghdad 2
...-2014 College of Nursing Thi-Qar University 3
Courses teached
Time From-To Stage Subject Department-Branch
...-2018 Fourth Medical Surgical Theory+Practice Medical Surgical
....-2014 Second+Third Critical Cases Theory + Practice Medical Surgical
2009-2016 First Medical Surgical Theory Nursing Department/Institute
2014-2016 First Fundamentals of Nursing Nursing Department/Institute
2011-2013 Second Pharmacology Nursing Department/Institute
2011-2013 Second Medical Surgical Community Health Department/Institute
Scientific Conferences and Symposiums
Type of Participation Year place Address n
Participant 2013 Martyr Darb Al-Musawi Hall City of Medicine Global Scientific Annual Conference 1
Attendance 2015 Middle Technical University Third International Scientific Conference for Health and Medical Specialties 2
Participant 2015 College of Nursing-University of Baghdad Postgraduate Scientific Conference 3
Participant 2020 Al-Munufia University Education Quality and Access to Knowledge Conference 4
Participant 2021 Samaraa Samarra University's first conference for pure and applied sciences 5
Participant 2021 Al-Ameed University Al-Ameed University Second International Medical Sciences Conference 6
Attendance 2022 College of Medicine -University of Thi-Qar Fourth Scientific Conference on Heart Diseases and Cardiac Catheterization Interventions 7
Published Researches
Year Country of Publish Journal Name Research Address N
2015 Iraq University of Thi-Qar Journal Assessment of the effect of video information on patient's anxiety undergoing cardiac catheterization in An Nasiriyah city 1
2019 India Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Effectiveness of an Education Program on Life-Style of Patients with Myocardial Infarction in Al Nasiriyah Hospitals 2
2019 India Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Effectiveness of an Education Program on Dietary Regimen of Patients with Myocardial Infarction in Al Nasiriyah Hospitals 3
2019 India Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Assessment of Level of Depression in Patient with Osteoarthritis at Handicap Center in Al-Nasiriyah City 4
2019 India Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Assessment of Metered-dose Inhalers Technique among Patients with Chronic Respiratory Disorders at Al-Hussein Teaching Hospital in Al-Nasiriyah City 5
2019 India Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Assessment of Secondary Prevention Regarding Dietary Pattern for Patient with Coronary Artery Disease at Al-Nasiriya Heart Center 6
2020 India Medico-Legal Update Psychosocial Disturbance of Hemodialysis Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B and C Virus Infection at Southern Provinces in Iraq 7
2020 India Medico-Legal Update Risk factors for Cardiovascular Diseases among Diabetic Patients attending Al Nasiriyha Diabetic and Endocrinology Center 8
2020 India Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health Determination of patient’s knowledge with diabetes type 2 for self- management regarding control blood glucose level 9
2020 India Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development Electrocardiographic Changes and Cardiac Arrhythmias in Hemodialysis Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease, at AL-Hussein Teaching Hospital 10
2020 India Medico-Legal Update The Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine among Diabetic Patients in Nasiriya City 11
2020 England International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Stressful life events of patient with ischemic heart disease at Al-Nasiriya heart center 12
2021 Turkey Evaluation of electrocardiographic findings and their association with serum ferritin levels for patients with thalassemia major in hereditary blood disorder center in nasiriyah city 13
2022 USA International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Study to identify the knowledge on the management of peripheral venous catheters among nursing students at University of Thi-Qar in a view to develop nursing care protocol 14
2022 Pakistan Adherence to cardiovascular therapy medications and factors associated with non-adherence among cardiac patients’ who attending outpatient clinic at Al Nasiriyah Heart Center 15
2022 Turkey NeuroQuantology Knowledge of Nurses Regarding Glasgow Coma Scale Techniques Implementation in Al Nasiriyah General Hospital 16
2022 Britain Knowledge of Nurses toward Prevention for Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection in intensive care unit at Al Nasiriyah General Hospital 17
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