Adult Health Nursing

  : The Vision

That the college be the starting point for advancing the health reality of the individual, fami and society through developing nursing services at its three levels: preventive, curative, and rehabilitative, inside and outside health institutions, built on the basis of scientific research and keeping pace with scientific developments in the field of the nursing profession.

: The message
Preparing specialized cadres in the field of nursing who possess advanced cognitive, skill and behavioral qualifications that enable them to provide comprehensive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative nursing care to the individual – the family – the community and to conduct scientific research on health problems by providing academic educational programs based on insightful thinking, assuming responsibility and working in a team spirit.

 : Objectives
Developing the professional behavioral aspect based on a human basis
Developing the cognitive aspect in the field of nursing
Developing students’ skills
Developing students’ abilities to adopt the self-learning method
Adopting the theory of the nursing process in solving problems
Developing students’ abilities in an insightful manner
Developing the leadership and management personality of students
Developing students’ abilities to conduct scientific research to solve health problems
Guiding students and making them aware of the importance of working as a team
Adopting the principle of preserving the reputation of the nursing profession and integrity in nursing work
Cooperating with health institutions in training and developing nursing staff

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

(وقل اعملوا فسيرى الله عملكم ورسوله والمؤمنون)

أن التمريض مهنة الرعاية او العناية الصحية بكل جوانبها الجسمية والنفسية والاجتماعية والروحية، وبذلك فهي المهنة الوحيدة التي لا يمكن لأي شخص الاستغناء عنها في حياته الى الابد، لان الرعاية لا تقتصر على المريض وانما الصحيح يحتاج ايضا الى الرعاية بكافة جوانبها كي يحافظ على صحته

ومن هذا المنطلق نستطيع القول ان الممرض من الأشخاص المهمين في حياتنا لأنه يقوم بتوفير هذه الرعاية الجسمية والنفسية والاجتماعية والروحية للناس في حالة الصحة والمرض، فهو الجندي المجهول في كثير من الأحيان وذلك لقلة وعي المجتمع وضعف الاعلام في توضيح حقيقة واهمية هذه المهنة للفرد والاسرة والمجتمع، وبما ان هناك مستويات متعددة للتمريض، اذاً بطبيعة الحال ستكون الرعاية الصحية او التمريضية متعددة المستويات فالرعاية الصحية يجب ان تكون بأعلى المستويات لان الانسان قيمة عليا، صار لزاماً علينا الحرص على ان تكون الرعاية الصحية الجامعية في كافة المؤسسات الصحية.

Adult Health Nursing

م.د عيد علي عمر
رئيس فرع تمريض البالغين

Teaching Staff

Speciality Name
Bachelor of Nursing Sciences Ali Anaia Abd
Bachelor of Nursing Sciences Ali Khlaif Khammat
Bachelor of Nursing Sciences Sanaa Hassan Jasim
Bachelor of Nursing Sciences Athraa Husseien Breesam
Bachelor of Nursing Sciences Mohammed Majeed Abd AlHameed
Weekly lectures schedule for the academic year 2023/ 2024

Clinical Examination laboratory (Physical exam lab)

The goal of the laboratory: to teach students the clinical skills of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, knowledge of the sounds of the heart and lungs, and access to clinical diagnosis.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Heart sounds.
Lung sounds.
Measuring blood pressure.
Vital Signs .
Equipements in the laboratory☑️
Dolls (6)
DC Shock device
Teaches second stage students

Fundamentals of Nursing Lab

Teaching students clinical skills, how to suture and bandage wounds, teaching how to inject using dummy before applying them to a living person, and teaching students to measure vital signs (pressure, breathing, pulse, temperature) .
Teaching students how to suture and bandage wounds
Teaching students medications injection
Teaching students to measure vital signs (pressure, pulse, breathing, temperature)
Equipments in the laboratory:☑️
Device for teaching wound suturing (hand)
A device for teaching how to place a cannula (hand)
injection device (muscle)
Studying first stage students☑️
A workshop entitled Conflict Management ▪
A workshop entitled The Ten Success Keys by Dr. Ahmed Jassim Daidan Al -Shami ▪
A religious cultural dialogue symposium present by His Eminence Sheikh Abdul Rida Maash ▪
A workshop entitled (The role of the nurse in health institutions) ▪
A workshop entitled (Quality Assurance in Nursing) ▪
University youth and some contemporary challenges ▪
Introduction to the ethics blog in nursing ▪
: For inquiries, contact us on the following ⌂✅
07822911322 ✅
your Inquiries will be answered within the official working times⌂
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