| Tasks of Administrative Affairs Department
Supervising the affairs of the college and following up its scientific, cultural, artistic 🙾
.and sports activities
Preparing the college staff for the next academic year in the second half of the 🙾
.current academic year in light of the Dean's proposal and the branch councils
Reviewing the titles of technicians and administrators within the approved staff 🙾
.of the college
. Reviewing the college's staff periodically 🙾
Forming committees to help accomplishing the scientific, administrative and 🙾
.educational tasks
.Imposing disciplinary sanctions on students 🙾
Recommendation to determine the service of teachers (professor, assistant 🙾
professor) upon reaching the legal age for a period of one year and
.renewed for three times
.and sports activities
Preparing the college staff for the next academic year in the second half of the 🙾
.current academic year in light of the Dean's proposal and the branch councils
Reviewing the titles of technicians and administrators within the approved staff 🙾
.of the college
. Reviewing the college's staff periodically 🙾
Forming committees to help accomplishing the scientific, administrative and 🙾
.educational tasks
.Imposing disciplinary sanctions on students 🙾
Recommendation to determine the service of teachers (professor, assistant 🙾
professor) upon reaching the legal age for a period of one year and
.renewed for three times