| College Board

the college council is the highest scientific and administrative body in the college and is chaired by the dean of the college . it includes associate members , heads of academic departments and representatives of the institiutional body , the faculty and students . it meets monthly and makes decision and recommendations and sends them to the ministry for approval.

| Objectives of the College board

Approval of scientific promotions for faculty members
-The recommendation to open, merge or cancel sections
– Approval of the balance, final account and transfer procedure between its chapters
-Approval of departmental heads
– Contracting with teaching staff from arabs and foreigners in accordance with the regulations adopted by the official universities
Appointment of faculty members and other employees, determination of their remuneration and rewards, acceptance of their resignation and termination of their services
– To suspend the study in whole or in part if necessary for a period not exceeding one week, the ministry shall immediately know about it and indicate the reasons and justifications.
– Donation of funds transferred to universities, colleges and scientific and educational institutions
– Acceptance ofGrants, gifts, subsidies, bequests and endowments from inside and outside iraq. in the last case, the approval of the council of ministers shall be obtained
-Approval of admission conditions
– Determining the number of students proposed for admission at the beginning of each school year
– approve the curriculum and submits it to the ministry
– Approval of the plan for the provision of educational requirements
– Determination of school wages
Managing, investing and disposing of college funds in accordance with the college’s objectives
– Appointment of a dean’s associate, heads of departments or branches and their exemption
– Recommendation to extend dean’s service
-grants graduates the scientific degree

| Members of the College board

College Board
College Board
College Board

أ.د خالد كاظم جميل
عميد الكلية

أ.م.د احمد عبدالله عبد
معاون العميد العلمي

م.د قاسم علي خزعل
معاون العميد الاداري

College Board
College Board
College Board
College Board
College Board

أ.د عزت حسين مزعل
رئيس فرع العلوم الاساسية

أ.م.د ايناس عبدالكريم جبار
رئيس فرع صحة الام والوليد

أ.م.د علاء محيبس طعمة
رئيس فرع صحة مجتمع

م.د قاسم علي خزعل
رئيس فرع تمريض البالغين

م. سلام حسن فليح
امين المجلس

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