| Financial Affairs
The Financial Affairs Division seeks, based on its pivotal role, to contribute to achieving
the objectives of the college, as it takes upon itself the financial aspect as an executive
.department that monitors all actions and expenditures on the budget items
| Tasks of the Financial Affairs
. Preparing the college's annual plan and implementing it after its approval ✔
Carrying out all financial and accounting works from commitments, disbursement of ✔
dues, payment of advances, maintenance of books and records in accordance
with the instructions, orders, rules and regulations in force, and maintaining these books
.and records
Preparing the necessary accounts and financial reports (such as the monthly account ✔
.and the final account) required by the competent governmental authorities
Implementing financial laws and regulations, following up the movement of ✔
budget items, verifying the safety of financial transactions and not exceeding the budget
.Carrying out collection and disbursement procedures to fulfill the Institute's obligations✔
Working to provide cash liquidity for the college's current accounts to the ✔
specified amount and within the limits of the funds allocated for each
item in the budget, and the regularity of the request for provisioning and the Conduction
.of periodic inventory of current accounts and the preparation of special minutes
Recording the credits in the commitment books according to their type and ✔
then recording the amounts approved by the concerned authorities as the competent
.authority to give the visa of the financial commitment
Receiving all revenue notices, editing the relevant forms and registering them ✔
.after making the necessary adjustments and responding to inquiries and notes
Preparing data and attaching copies of settlements of public dues and ✔
conducting communications with ministries, government departments and others
.regarding current accounts with them
Responding to inquiries from the General Audit Bureau and relevant government ✔
.agencies regarding financial and accounting transactions
Preparing notes on financial systems and appropriate accounting methods and ✔
discussing them with the concerned authorities and collecting, recording, tabulating and
.analyzing financial data and instructions
Prepare the college's draft budget in cooperation with the various departments of ✔
the college and participate in discussing it with the budget department / specialized
.sector at the Ministry of Finance and National Economy
Carrying out the procedures for implementing the college's budget in accordance with ✔
.its regulations and instructions
Supervising the department's computer systems and applications, following up on ✔
the entry and updating of information and working to develop them in coordination with
.the relevant departments
Organizing and keeping the documents of the department in a way that facilitates ✔
.their retrieval and utilization
Determine the department's needs for human resources, equipment and materials ✔
.and follow up on their provision
Identify the training needs of the department's human resources and coordinate with ✔
.the competent organizational units to meet those needs
Preparing periodic reports on the achievements of the department and suggestions ✔
for its development and submitting them to the Director General of Administrative and
.Financial Affairs
| Units Related to the Financial Affairs
Financial Affairs Department
Financial Affairs Department
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