| Duties
Coordinating the work of administrative and technical staff in all branches of the 🗹
college according to work requirements and distributing them to units or divisions according
.to their specialization in order to ensure the interest and needs of the college
Control the management system of administrative and technical personnel in terms 🗹
. of attendance, vacations, tasks, and specialties
Ensure that official books are answered and that what is required by the 🗹
.university presidency is accomplished in a timely manner
.Recommending the promotion of technical and administrative staff of the college 🗹
Approving the acceptance of medical reports issued from inside and outside Iraq for 🗹
.the college's employees according to the regulations
Making the necessary transfers in the administrative staff of the college according to 🗹
.the requirements of the public interest
Signing the issuance of orders to grant regular vacations, summer vacations, and 🗹
.legally approved bonuses to those who retire from the college
Approving the assignment of college employees and affiliates to university overtime 🗹
Issuing orders of appointment, placement, retirement and resignation, except for the
. implementation of Revolution Command Council Decision No. (550) of 1989.
Approval and disbursement of dispatch advances for teachers, technicians 🗹
and administrators of the college's affiliates inside Iraq and for the appropriate periods to
.accomplish the task
Approving the granting of professional and engineering specialties, infection allowance 🗹
. and other allocations determined in accordance with laws, regulations and instructions
Send letters of thanks and appreciation to the technical and administrative staff of the 🗹
.college in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations in force
Granting cash and incentive bonuses to distinguished members of the college, not 🗹
.exceeding (10,000) ten thousand dinars in each case
Granting maternity and maternity leave to all college affiliates according to the 🗹
.regulations in force
Approving the referral of statements and additional durations according to the 🗹
competent committees and in accordance with the general conditions of contracting and the
. laws and bylaws
Taking care and supervising the safety, maintenance and expansion of government 🗹
.buildings according to the requirements of the work
.Heading the student discipline committees and achieving order within the college 🗹
Attending the meetings of the College Council and participating in various committees 🗹
. to achieve the public interest
Issuing administrative orders for the Giving of lectures by affiliates or 🗹
external lecturers (in coordination with the deanship of
the college) and opening the records or forms for
them, while auditing them according to the administrative orders
issued and following up their disbursement by the department secretariat in
coordination with the financial department of the college
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