The Studies, Planning and Follow-up Division is directly linked to the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs at the college and the Studies and Planning Department at the Presidency of Thi Qar University and consists of the following units (Statistics Unit, Database Unit, Planning and Follow-up Unit and Studies, Development and Training Unit) The most important tasks of the division include preparing the organizational structure of the college, organizing and following up on the creation of divisions and administrative units, preparing a database of college affiliates and updating it periodically, and completing the university census
. of teachers and a census of students in the college and numbered their records
. of teachers and a census of students in the college and numbered their records
The organizational structure, which is considered one of the most important works carried out by the Studies, Planning ✓
and Follow-up Division, where the Division is provided with the organizational structure chart of the College of Studies,
. Planning and Follow-up Department at the Presidency of the University of Thi Qar
The organizational structure, which includes the scientific, administrative and technical structure on which the Presidency of ✓
. the University of Thi Qar relies in determining the staffing of the university
The data of the university statistics tables in January of each year, including the tables of undergraduate studies, graduate ✓
. studies, teachers, employees and lecturers
Circulation of the annual statistical report tables and this circular is done at the end of the academic year in July of each ✓
. academic year
Audit the general Daily records, the fund record, and the advances and deposits record, with an emphasis on avoiding ✓
. scratching and crossing out and signing the correction of the error, if Existed
Organizing the schedules of the reality report and the operating movement of the college's employees on the permanent ✓
. staff Work on the comprehensive database
Answering the official books issued by the Development and Training Unit of the Department of Studies, Planning and ✓
. Follow-up at the Presidency of the University of Thi Qar
. Answering the quarterly activity schedules and this answer is periodically every four (4) months ✓
Working with the electronic identity form for Thi Qar University affiliates (teaching staff, graduate students, undergraduat ✓
. students) on the university's official website and periodically updating its data
and Follow-up Division, where the Division is provided with the organizational structure chart of the College of Studies,
. Planning and Follow-up Department at the Presidency of the University of Thi Qar
The organizational structure, which includes the scientific, administrative and technical structure on which the Presidency of ✓
. the University of Thi Qar relies in determining the staffing of the university
The data of the university statistics tables in January of each year, including the tables of undergraduate studies, graduate ✓
. studies, teachers, employees and lecturers
Circulation of the annual statistical report tables and this circular is done at the end of the academic year in July of each ✓
. academic year
Audit the general Daily records, the fund record, and the advances and deposits record, with an emphasis on avoiding ✓
. scratching and crossing out and signing the correction of the error, if Existed
Organizing the schedules of the reality report and the operating movement of the college's employees on the permanent ✓
. staff Work on the comprehensive database
Answering the official books issued by the Development and Training Unit of the Department of Studies, Planning and ✓
. Follow-up at the Presidency of the University of Thi Qar
. Answering the quarterly activity schedules and this answer is periodically every four (4) months ✓
Working with the electronic identity form for Thi Qar University affiliates (teaching staff, graduate students, undergraduat ✓
. students) on the university's official website and periodically updating its data
Statistics Unit ☐
Data and Informatics Unit ☐
Planning unit ☐
Data and Informatics Unit ☐
Planning unit ☐