Maternity and Neonate Branch
The branch was established with the founding of the college in 2008. This branch specialized in teaching maternal and newborn health and nutrition in the third academic stage in a single semester system where the student learns about: the various stages of fetal growth and development, nursing care for women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, complications, Critical cases and various surgical cases during the period of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum, in addition to caring for the newborn. also teaches the nutrition subject that deals with a healthy diet for women, which includes cases of pregnancy and breastfeeding and the subsequent therapeutic nutrition. The branch also specialized in teaching the subject of growth and development and Pediatrics nursing with an one semester system, where students learn about the characteristics of healthy growth and development. the student learns how to provide nursing care to the hospitalized children , as well as students' interest in the preventive methods that must be followed to maintain children's health. These subjects are taught in two sections, theoretical and at a rate of (3) hours per week, and practical and clinical at a rate of (8) hours per week in the college laboratories and hospitals located in Thi Qar Governorate.

كلمة رئيس الفرع

قل هل يستوي الذين يعلمون والذين لايعلمون
الحمد لله الذي رزقنا العلم والمعرفة وجعل من العلم نبراسا يضيء لنا الدرب
وصل الله على سيد العلم محمد واله وسلم
اما بعد
فإن الرسالة التي نحملها هي امانة ويجب الحفاظ عليها وايصالها الى طلبتنا الاعزاء من اجل خلق جيل جديد واعي ومتعلم وحريص على خدمة الاخرين خصوصا في مجال التمريض والتي تعتبر خدمة انسانية بكل ما تحمل من معاني وبأحدث الطرق العلمية المتطورة و بالأخص في مجال تمريض الام و الوليد و تمريض الاطفال
لذا سوف نكون عند حسن ظن اساتذتنا وطلبتنا الاعزاء وبلدنا وشعبنا ومن الله التوفيق .

ا.م.د. ايناس عبد الكريم جبار صالح
رئيس فرع صحة الأم والوليد

Teaching Staff

Bachelor of Nursing SciencesMarwa Naif Khasaf
Bachelor of Nursing SciencesMaysoon Hameed Hanoon
Bachelor of Nursing SciencesLayla Yahia Abd
Weekly lectures schedule for the academic year 2023/ 2024

(Pediatrics Lab (Obesity Lab

Teaching students skills related to vital signs, heart and lung sounds, cardiac resuscitation, and measuring circumference and head circumference in nursing.
Viral signs.
Heart sounds.
Measure chest and head circumference.
Equipments in the laboratory:☑️
Number of dolls (8) with incubator device
Teaches third stage

: Gynecology Laboratory

Teaching students various skills in blood testing, knowledge of the stages of pregnancy, and the pattern of knowing the stage of childbirth in obstetrics and gynecology nursing.
Knowing the stages of childbirth.
Blood test.
The stage of pregnancy and the condition of the child.
Number of laboratory devices ☑️
Number of dolls (5)
simulation doll (2)
Teaches third year students.

: Simulation doll laboratory (Sim man lab)

Teaching students various skills to hear the sounds of the heart, lungs, and abdomen, knowing the placement of the urinary catheter, and giving medications and fluids after examining and knowing the skin for students in taking information about the dolls before going to the hospital and applying it to a living person.
Knowledge of heart, lung and abdominal sounds
Make a transition with a gateway
Providing medicines and urgent aid
Skin examination
It is possible to program a blood vessel about a specific disease and request information from it to diagnose the disease
Laboratory inspection device, sensitive doll
For third year students
The College of Nursing holds an educational symposium entitled The side effects of misuse of contraceptives ▪
A workshop entitled strategies for early detection of breast cancer ▪
Scientific symposium on sickle cell anemia ▪
A scientific lecture on the reasons for the birth of low-weight babies ▪
A scientific lecture on endometriosis ▪
An electronic workshop entitled (SEQWA killer of the children (SEQWA poisoning) ▪
Electronic workshop ((Neglect and persecution behaviors towards children)) ▪
A workshop on the curriculum system ▪
: For inquiries, contact us on the following ⌂
07828116722 ✅
your Inquiries will be answered within the official working times⌂
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