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ملخص الاطروحة

أ.د علي نعيم سلمان molecular alteration of the PI3K/PTEN/AKT pathway in non-small lung carcinomas University Degli Studi ” MAGNA GRAECIA CATANZARO” 2008 ملخص الاطروحة
أ.م.د عزت حسين مزعل characterization of salmonella enterica isolates from food and clinical samples:functionalityof cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) from non-typhi salmonella enterica University of Arkansas at Little Rock 2014 ملخص الاطروحة
أ.م.د احمد عبدالله عبد Implementation of Educational program on Nurses’ Knowledge and Practice Based on British Standard of Clinical Care for Thalassemia patients in Thi-Qar Province جامعة بابل 2019 ملخص الاطروحة
م. علاء طعمه محيبس A Study of the Psycho-Physical Health Aspects among Older Adult in Al-Nassiriah City جامعة بابل 2019 ملخص الاطروحة
م.م قاسم علي خزعل Effectiveness of an Education Program on Life-Style of Patients with Myocardial Infarction in Al Nasiriyah جامعه بغداد 2019
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